トップStart your project

Start your project

Start Your Project!

If you want to open up a new frontier for people who seek new learning
If you want to enrich and enliven your local community
If you want to resolve issues for the future of human society
If you want to help people who are suffering

Otsucle provides help for people engaged in these issues, by moving these projects towards fruition through crowdfunding. Let us know the outline of your project by filling out the contact form.

Otsucle will think about your project with you.

Otsucle supports university researchers and people who want to better their community.

Posting a project on the Otsucle platform is free of charge. If a project meets its funding target, we pay you the support money, minus fees.

Otsucle was started by Tokushima University and is administered by the Organization For People With Universities.

Name of your project ※Required

The project name should be 40 characters or less.

Project outline ※Required

Enter an outline of the project you want to post.

Your name ※Required

Enter the name of the project representative.

Email address ※Required

Please enter the same email address as above.

University, company or organization name

Enter the name of your university, company or organization.

Post code
